[讨论] 日运Virgo horoscope for 0909

楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2018-09-08 20:20:32
Virgo horoscope for Sunday Sep 9
If you were driving a tall truck,
and you came upon an underpass where your truck would not fit,
you obviously couldn't go through it.
But that would not mean that you could never reach your destination.
It would simply mean that you would have to find a different route.
That's the only problem you may be facing now with a goal that is important
to you.
An obstacle or a complication may have appeared,
but it certainly doesn't have to stop you, Virgo.
You just have to find another way around. You will if you try.
作者: catstupid (笨猫)   2018-09-08 23:05:00
作者: ssaann7 (杀千刀)   2018-09-09 00:52:00
作者: obawen (景安非)   2018-09-09 01:34:00
作者: boyen3 (Mentirosa!!)   2018-09-09 01:54:00
翻译大大加油啊 !
作者: TSYasus (好人执照(装备中))   2018-09-09 09:13:00
我还不够迂回吗? 所以改直路会好点?
作者: develop (Shall we talk)   2018-09-09 11:04:00
作者: nastika (迎向终局 三个世界的对灭)   2018-09-09 12:45:00
被切割 也是翻译的吗
作者: ccwwhh (cwh93)   2018-09-09 23:51:00
楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2018-09-10 00:23:00

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