[讨论] 日运Virgo horoscope for Sunday Aug 19

楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2018-08-18 19:49:50
Someone may be making you a promise, Virgo,
but you may not be sure if you can trust this person or not.
Maybe you have been let down in a similar situation by someone in the past.
Maybe the chances of this coming through for you seem slim.
If you feel that someone is leading you on, then get down to the facts
and find out why you may feel that way.
Is it justified? Or is it simply the fear of not achieving what you want?
Trust is always a leap of faith, but it does pay off sometimes
- especially when you have eliminated any real reasons to be cynical.
作者: develop (Shall we talk)   2018-08-18 22:52:00
作者: whybanish (stay or go)   2018-08-18 23:03:00
作者: BASUAR (樱)   2018-08-18 23:09:00
没事的 我也在继续服用药物 我们一起加油
作者: ftdifs103 (ft)   2018-08-19 00:16:00
作者: spiriter (吉娃娃)   2018-08-19 11:38:00
Q_Q 哭哭...
作者: Azaria (Azaria)   2018-08-19 12:38:00
作者: hikkijojo (Nash)   2018-08-19 12:55:00
作者: a222xyzw (黑猫)   2018-08-19 16:44:00
作者: yixiuzzz (yixiu0910)   2018-08-19 19:01:00
作者: idol1 (重要是一杯现磨手冲咖啡)   2018-08-19 21:09:00
相信你自己是最棒最好的 因为我们一职都很努力
作者: ssaann7 (杀千刀)   2018-08-19 21:10:00

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