burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-08-10 22:37:34感谢各位大德帮我hold住那么多天
这几天我一直在听一首歌 https://youtu.be/c_Ozby5ItrA
Virgo horoscope for Saturday Aug 11
If someone has recently given you advice that you find confusing, Virgo,
it may be because that person knows you too well, but not well enough.
This person is not impartial.
They have certain expectations of you
- or at least of what they know about you -
so they have colored their feedback to fit the you that they know.
But there are things about you that you don't always share.
There is depth to you that you don't always reveal.
If the feedback you've received isn't what you hoped to hear, persevere anyway.
You can do anything you want to do if you set your mind to it.