burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-08-01 01:13:46Virgo horoscope for August
Episodes of soap operas and some television dramas usually end in cliffhangers.
The writers do this to leave you wanting more so that you will be sure to tune in to the next episode.
It may seem that someone in your life is withholding information from you
in an effort to keep you hanging on in some way, but you may be starting to feel suspicious about it.
This month, it could be revealed that this person really does have a secret to share
that they have been building up to, Virgo.
This could be quite surprising, and it may be good news for you.
An old friend from your school days could resurface in August.
This may be someone you had quite a lot in common with, and you may share many happy memories too.
Savor this time and explore other long-lost friends who may be able to add something to your life, and vice versa.
You may have the opportunity to learn something that has long interested you this month.
If you sign on now, you could meet an interesting group of people who will challenge you intellectually.
A deeply emotional relationship with a romantic partner
or someone you have an interest in could begin to bloom late this month.
Even though it may seem to move ahead rapidly and naturally, take it slow.