burgergirl (20 seconds insane)
2018-06-19 00:46:34有一种人,叫做思而不可得
Virgo horoscope for June 18 - June 24
Something you recently did for someone as a favor
- perhaps a younger family member -
may be captivating your imagination now.
This week, you will have an enhanced ability to explore this further,
and you should, Virgo.
This may lead to a partnership not just with the person who invited you into this,
but with someone else whose gifts could lead this in another,
more interesting direction.
You may find yourself in the spotlight on Wednesday or Thursday
as you are asked to do an impromptu presentation of some kind.
You may not think you have it in you,
but once you step out in front of your audience
- whether it's one person or several -
you will feel the dynamic change.
This will help you build confidence in an area of your life where you need a boost.
Late in the week, you may have the chance to become involved in a charitable venture
- either for a big cause or for something much smaller and closer to home.
Say yes, even if you don't have a lot of time to give to it.
You can fit this in off-moments,
and the personal fulfillment it brings will be very rewarding.
During the upcoming weekend,
use your talent to start a project you have been imagining.
Although this may not have an immediate application in your life, it could soon.