ncleo (leo)
2018-02-14 00:20:18Virgo horoscope for Feb 5 - Feb 11
You may have found yourself in the spotlight last week at some point, and that
probably felt better than you thought it would. In fact, you may be so inspir
ed by the experience, that you are hoping for more of the same this week; and
that could certainly happen for you, if you keep your ears open for opportunit
ies to present a wonderful idea that has been percolating in your mind. This i
s a great time in general to start new projects that you feel passionate about
, Virgo. Don't apologize if someone finds your idea a bit out of this world, b
ecause it is this kind of innovative thinking that will take you the farthest.
A chance to network during the next weekend could bring new opportunities, bu
t not the variety you may think - although this may start out as a chance to e
xpand in business, it could wind up introducing you to a new and rewarding fri
endship as well.