[讨论] Virgo horoscope for Jul 31 - Aug 6 周V

楼主: ncleo (leo)   2017-08-01 00:43:59
When someone who is charming and charismatic tries to convince you of somethin
g, their presentation can be hard to resist. And when that person tries to get
you on board with something you already want to believe in, you may be especi
ally vulnerable and susceptible to what that person says. You may be in a posi
tion now, Virgo, where you want to believe in something. Your heart is at stak
e. Your passion is at stake. Your emotions are highly tuned right now. This ch
ance may come into being early next week, and that means you have this entire
week to prepare yourself. So, work at being objective about what you want and
being open to what you hear and see - even if it's not what you want to hear a
nd see. You will likely have an excellent experience, and being ready for it w
ill only magnify the likelihood and the pleasure of the experience.
作者: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2017-08-01 00:51:00

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