[讨论] Virgo horoscope for Sunday Jun 25

楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2017-06-25 00:06:46
Virgo horoscope for Sunday Jun 25
You may receive an invitation today that you really don't want to turn down.
The very thought of saying no may seem incomprehensible,
since this may be something you have been hoping to do for a long time.
But if you say yes despite a busy work schedule and a full plate of obligations,
you may wind up regretting it.
There are only so many hours in the day,
and this chance will probably come along again.
If you neglect your obligations, though,
it could affect you negatively, Virgo.
作者: Life413   2017-06-25 00:26:00
楼主: burgergirl (20 seconds insane)   2017-06-25 01:14:00

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