ofd168 (大色狼来袭)
2020-04-10 10:32:57来源:
StarVR One, the ultra-wide field of view (FOV) VR headset, has traveled a
long and winding path on its way to launch since it was first announced in
late 2018 that developers and enterprise would be able to apply for hardware.
However now the company has officially opened up sales of StarVR One through
select distributors in Asia, and directly through the company in the EU and
原本在2018年只给开发人员与企业拿到的StarVR One,现在可以透过亚洲的经销商与
Pricing is still unclear, although we wouldn’t expect it to stray too far
from its originally quoted $3,200 price tag when it was first offered through
the developer program in November 2018. StarVR’s developer program was
however indefinitely put on hold a short time afterwards, which was a direct
result of its delisting from the Taipei stock exchange and subsequent
reorganization from a public to private entity.
价格还不知道,但是可能离3200镁不远 (9万6台币左右),过去在台北证卷交易所下市
StarVR One规格 (google 英翻中)
面板 – 2 x 4.77” AMOLED
显示分辨率 –每个镜头分辨率为1,830×1,464,共1600万个子像素
刷新率 – 90Hz低持久性
镜头类型 – 定制菲涅尔透镜
视场 – 210度水平FOV,130度垂直FOV
眼动追踪 –完全集成的Tobii眼动追踪,包括动态中心渲染
IPD测量 –软件内解决方案
跟踪 – SteamVR跟踪2.0最多两个基站
连接性 – 2 x 0.9m Type-C电缆,2 x 5m Type-C延长电缆,1 x 3.5mm带有
端口要求 – 2 x DisplayPort,2 x USB 2.0
电缆总长 – 5.9m
作者: maiyang (麦依) 2020-04-10 11:09:00
基本上,只要角度大于150 几乎和人眼角度无异(人眼边缘会有影像反映,所以实际上人眼角度会略大点)依规格来说,是可以完美的显现人眼正常的视野,剩下就是实际的体验效果了,不知道有没有体验馆可以试试....