为一个朋友代po一个EAD card delay的问题
他于这几日通过了OPT,但EAD一直没有寄来,网上也没有查到card in production
公司已经数次催他要EAD card,不然就只好把offer给别人
他打电话问了两次USCIS level 2的客服
第一个客服说他已经e-verify通过 "You're legal to work now. It's now up to your
employer to decide whether you may work"
他于电话中数次confirm 对方客服也数次告诉他you are legal to work now
第二个客服说If you ask me, I'd say you must have the card to work. But why
would you call again if you already got answer from another rep
写信问学校的international center,学校说他们一向认为需要有EAD card才能work
但It's up to your employer now. Your employer may use your passport and i94
for e-verify instead of your EAD card
感觉像是公司只要看到e-verify通过就可以了,而E-verify不一定要使用EAD card
我朋友自己在e verify的网站上做self verify,显示的状况为You are legal to work
in the United States