jackwei (吐司)
2016-04-10 15:40:02各位先进好,
我目前是 f1 身份,
先前已经提出 opt 申请, opt I-20 日期印 5/15 program end, opt start date 7/11
公司几天前 h1b 申请也送出了 (有 premium process)
我的问题是: 我可以在 5/8 附近出境, 6/26 回美吗?
1) opt 方面, 以 90 天计算, 预计 6月上旬可拿到 EAD 卡,
请朋友寄到台湾, 6/26 入境应该是没问题.
2) h1b 方面, 问 attorney 可否出境他的回答是:
It is not advisable to travel if the H-1B is still pending.
Again, because the case is being filed with premium processing,
if selected it should be processed by mid May at the latest but
the processing dates are set by the USCIS only after all cases
are received so we cannot say for sure. I would not suggest
leaving unless your case was rejected or is already approved
because otherwise you risk an RFE for "maintenance of status"
and could ultimately have your H-1B issued for consular processing
instead of change of status.
查了一下, 好像是说收到抽签结果前出境的话, 中签的话还是可以 approve,
但 change of status (COS) 的选项会被放弃掉, 变成
consular processing, 十月的时候要回国盖章.