我的印度签证已缴费且申请成功 可是后来发现上传的照片不符合格式..用了生活照(蠢毙了) 签证上面有另外黏贴 5x5的大头贴 想请问visa已下来了,有需要再重新申请吗? 请有经验的帮忙解豁啊..谢谢~ 以下是签证申请过的mail Dear XXX, Your application for e-Tourist Visa (eTV) has been processed with following result. Application ID :- I001V05Fxxxx Passport No :- 30357xxxx Application Status :- Granted Visa No :- 90105xxxx You can arrive in India between 29/01/2016 to 03/03/2016. (Date format is dd/mm/yyyy). Visa is valid for 30 days from the date of entry For any assistance contact eTV support center at indiatvoa@gov.in. For Tele enquiries(IVRS enquiry) call at +91-11-24300666.Please use 0012435816 as key Note: - Please carry a copy of this e-Tourist Visa (eTV) at the time of Travel. - e-Tourist Visa (eTV) once issued on arrival is Only Single Entry, non-extendable , non-convertible & not valid for visiting Protected/Restricted and Cantonment Areas. - Biometric details of the applicant will be mandatorily captured at Immigration on arrival in India.