各位"学长姐"好....(希望有机会这样称呼大家><) 想请教各位一个小问题~~ 我是申请Rehab Psych的PhD program 我前天上去MyUW看申请状态,原本是长下面这样: [原本的状态]: The Graduate School is reviewing your file. Please refer to this page for updates. 但昨天上去后发现[Status Description]多了一行字~~ [目前的状态]: ================================================== Your program has recommended you for admission. The Graduate School is reviewing your file. Please refer to this page for updates. ================================================== [备注]:因我托福没有达92的cut point (好惨= =") 所以它另附上了下面这段话。 Depending on the test results, you may need to enroll in a 3 credit English course during your first semester. 这代表我"几乎要被录取"了吗@@? (希望能有机会来这里po正式自介文 >///<) 另外...这种3cr的ESL课程学分费是多少$$呢@@?? **学校说我抵达Madison后须参加ESLAT的测验(可能是为英文能力分班用的吧) 若被要求上这些英文课(3学分),也是要缴学分费吗?? 如果我有tuition waiver,是有包括这3学分的英文课都免除吗@@ 感谢各位解惑 <(__ __)> 祝各位学业顺利^^