1. An _______ shopper always bargains over price.
A. esteemed B. economical C. exquisite
受人尊敬的 节约的 细腻的
2. Before you _______ an essay, you might make an outline.
A. compose B. invent C. excel
[印刷]排(字) 创造 优于
3. Global warming _______ arctic animals.
A. endangers B. disrupts C. restores
危及 使混乱、瓦解 修复
4. He felt embarrassed by his _______ of Taiwanese history.
A. input B. inquiry C. ignorance
输入 调查、探究 无知
5. If you write in _______, you may misspell some words.
A. vigor B. haste C. casual
活力 仓促 随便的(a)
6. The principal knows how to _______ noisy students.
A. discharge B. oblige C. discipline
放出 强制 处罚、使有纪律
7. A _______ statement is one that has no meaning.
A. pointless B. negative C. skeptical
无意义的 消极的 怀疑性的
8. The teacher needs our _______ to go on the field trip.
A. consolation B. content C. consent
安慰 满足 同意
9. A _______ bear may make you tremble.
A. forlorn B. flimsy C. fearsome
绝望的 薄弱的 吓人的
10.The defeated team _______ the winners on their close victory.
A. acquires B. compliments C. conserves
获得 称赞、向...致意 将...做成蜜饯
11.Although I skipped the last meeting, I attended the _______ one.
A. previous B. mere C. former
稍前的 仅仅 在前的
12.The death sentence for murder is a _______ and legal issue.
A. moral B. neutral C. tactical
道德的 中立的 策略上的
13.The morning air was so _______ that Helen could see her own breath.
A. fanatic B. frigid C. blissful
狂热入迷的 寒冷的 充满喜悦的
14.Drinking too much alcohol causes the liver and brain to _______.
A. decrease B. degrade C. deteriorate
减小 降级 恶化
15.I always turned to my sister for _______ whenever I was upset.
A. evaluation B. consolation C. rehearsal
估价 安慰 排演
16.Exercise is _______ to one's health.
A. beneficent B. beneficial C. benevolent
慈爱的 有益的 乐善好施的
17.A fifteen-kilometer hike will _______ the average person.
A. exhaust B. confuse C. impose
使精疲力尽 使困惑 强加
18.Rumors of a possible war made us _______.
A. keen B. irresistible C. apprehensive
敏锐的 无法抗拒的 忧虑的
19.The second semester _______ on Febuary 22, so students have already begun
A. commences B. extends C. recounts
开始 延伸 重新计算
20.The delicate details of the sculpture made by 3D printer _______ me.
A. oppress B. elude C. intrigue
压迫 使...迷惑 激起...的好奇心
21.The actors have to _______ scenes when something unexpected happens.
A. innovate B. craft C. improvise
创新 精巧地制作 即兴创作
22.The test date is _______ and may be changed.
A. primary B. tentative C. misleading
原始的 不确定的 误导的
23.From the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower, one may enjoy a sweeping
_______ of Paris.
A. panorama B. screen C. breadth
全景 屏幕 宽度
24.Doctors often advise patients to _______ their intake of fast foods.
A. restrict B. vary C. consider
限制、约束 使不同 考虑
25.Most computer software provides different _______ for making posters.
A. classifications B. templates C. representations
类别 样板、型板 表现
26. ended with a powerful statement
27. by quoting
28. the color of your skin
29. liberate ourselves from all prejudice
30. make sure for once and forever
31. tongue-tied 舌头打结、结结巴巴
32. on top of the world 在世界顶端
33. on the edge of my seat 紧张和兴奋
34. had my heart set on 渴望、倾心于
35. second thoughts 重新考虑
41~45 网络上可搜寻到原文
41. Throughout her history China had believed herself the center...
42. All outsiders whose misfortune was to live beyond her borders...
43. visiting Westerners, amazed and admiring, were inclined to take...
44. her classical age was contemporary with that of Greece,
45. her Confucian canon of ethics predated the New Testament if not the Old.
46. A or B
47. C?
48. D
49. D
50. B
denny3299 ( (づ′・ω・)づ)
2016-07-12 22:35:00推
atom95 (用心做好每一件事)
2016-07-12 22:40:00推,祝福你
作者: lazyshan (Shan) 2016-07-12 22:40:00
kumicky (kumicky)
2016-07-12 22:46:00撇开那5题已经错8题了qq
作者: t230201 (-捷-) 2016-07-12 22:52:00
CIRER (说得对)
2016-07-12 23:04:00QQ+1
作者: andy5656 (andyandy) 2016-07-12 23:11:00
sanyu1010 (什么都不知道/-\)
2016-07-12 23:13:00有些不一样QQ 几题一直改来改去呜呜呜
作者: ukasa (咔鲨) 2016-07-12 23:13:00
作者: aaa970121 (aaa970121) 2016-07-12 23:16:00
46 我觉得比较偏向A 我也不确定
作者: sunny0303 (sunny) 2016-07-12 23:21:00
作者: dlego 2016-07-12 23:28:00
推 个人也认为46题比较像A
hsc62 (小美)
2016-07-13 00:07:00想请问44为何关代that前可有介系词?
hsc62 (小美)
2016-07-13 00:15:00哦哦44我理解了QQ谢谢
tlh0 (磊包)
2016-07-13 00:17:00ㄊㄨㄟㄊ
muakxxxs (jasonblankbear)
2016-07-13 00:40:00谢谢 有推有上
CIRER (说得对)
2016-07-13 00:42:00忘了推谢谢原po用心
作者: BaRroNH (Baroisgood) 2016-07-13 00:48:00
推46A 谢解答 放弃了...
作者: Jhen1104 (懒懒的...) 2016-07-13 00:59:00
作者: vincefan1347 2016-07-13 00:59:00
作者: yichunhey (Spirit) 2016-07-13 01:25:00
推谢原po 不敢认真对了 拜托上榜
snyk (BMI 48)
2016-07-13 02:09:00我不敢对~~~~~ 只看了前三题我全写对而已 (鸵鸟心态
作者: Nylooon 2016-07-13 02:27:00
former真的比较常用来修饰人(前任),也说是best completes了,只可能是A
syuurei (小秀)
2016-07-13 04:37:0046 A+1 Q Q 另外我当初看malady也反射想选sick,但回头看了整句是“the malady of discrimination”,不知是否可解释成歧视带来的弊病(A)呢 > <打错,我是指sickness XD
作者: sean8511 (阿基超帅) 2016-07-13 06:35:00
14 我选degrade耶,觉得是肝功能下降之类的(?36-40 ACBBC
iris509 (iris)
2016-07-13 09:17:00推
jamfly (jamfly)
2016-07-13 10:19:00有推明年上
作者: ennavel (嗯仔) 2016-07-13 10:34:00
grueena (月半月半白勺)
2016-07-13 13:15:00有推有上
YouShare (你的东西必须跟我分享)
2016-07-14 01:10:00有推有上 蓉蓉上台大