[经济] 个经2题 总经3题

楼主: vul41877 (hei)   2012-02-16 18:07:09
2.The phenomenon of the backward-bending market supply curve for labor
(A)indicates the declining quality of labor as unemployment decrease
(B)reflectes the policy of labor unions
(C)indicates workers' desires to buy more leisure as income rise
答案:B 为什么?
1.Pessimistic expectations about future sales would be reflected in a lower
rate of return on capital, decreasing investment.Why?
3.Intended investment in a given year will
(A)lead to stagflation in a subsequent year
(B)reduce the productivity of the labor force
(C)raise the following year's fullemployment level of GNP
(D)be higher when consumption represents a higher percentage of CNP
答案:D 为什么?
作者: TKforever (典哥)   2012-03-11 09:38:00
不管需求曲线弹性多少 调涨价格都会有边际效应喔 我好像搞错自变量XD (遮脸价格上升 Q下降

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