1.What is a set instructions in a computer language
that the computer what to do with data?
(a) an operation system (b) an algorithm (c) a program (d) a data processor
(e) none of the above
2.What is the dotted-gecimal notation of the IP address
10111111 11011100 11100000 00000101 ?
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e)none of the adove
3.What is a multiprogramming method in which multiple programs are
entirely in memoty with each program occupying a contiguous space?
(a)paging (b)demand paging (c)partitioning (d)demand segmentation
(e)none of the above
第2题我只转到.5 前面的转不出来,我是用二进制转的,不知道是不是我的方法有错?!
第3题想问这是属于哪个单元的? 也许是我没有念到~~
请各位帮帮我 谢谢