【Tower of Saviors Version 5.0 ‘Eternal Discipline’ Update Announcement】
Dear Summoners, we're excited to announce that 【Tower of Saviors】Version
5.0 ‘Eternal Discipline’ will be officially released tomorrow Apr 3
To prepare for the Version 5.0 update, a mandatory server maintenance will
be carried out tomorrow Apr 3 (Thurs) from 11:00am - 7:00pm, UTC+08. The
approximate server maintenance duration is 8 hours. Please note that all
Instant Battles on Apr 3 (Thurs) will be canceled.
After the server maintenance, a mandatory update to Version 5.0 will be
applied. All Summoners must download the latest Version and update the game
to Version 5.0 to continue the adventure.
To prevent any loss of game accounts or data, Summoners must leave all
battles and log out of the game before Apr 3 (Thurs) 11:00am, UTC+08.
Summoners are also suggested to bind their accounts with social network
(Facebook or Twitter) before the server maintenance.
To better prepare for the new challenges in Version 5.0, Summoners can visit
the TOS Official Fan Group to communicate and share strategies with fellow
TOS Official Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TowerOfSaviors/
喂狗后翻 译
亲爱的召唤师,我们很高兴地宣布, 【塔的救世主】 5.0版“永恒的纪律”将于明天正
式发布4月3日(星期四) !
晚上七点, UTC +08 - 为了准备5.0版更新,强制服务器维护会从上午11点进行的明天4
月3日(周四) 。近似的服务器维护时间为8小时。请注意,在4月3日(周四)所有的即
版本5.0 ,继续冒险。
四)上午11:00点前, UTC +08 。召唤师也建议在服务器维护之前绑定自己的账户与社交
网络( Facebook和Twitter ) 。
TOS官方粉丝团: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TowerOfSaviors/