2023-12-16 13:30:21全部的书都处理掉了,非常感谢有购买的朋友们。
01-11,每本50 NTD 原本300元
01. Occupational Therapy for Children 5th edition
02. Frame of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy 3rd edition
03. Sensory Integration Theory and Practice 2nd Edition
04. Occupational Therapy Physical Dysfunction 6th edition
05. 软组织贴扎技术(已售出)
06. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 11th Edition by Tortora and Derrickson
07. Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body 6th edition
08. Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive
Neuroscience 2nd edition by Baars and Gage
09. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brian 3rd edition by Bear, Conors, and Paradiso
10. The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience 2nd Edition by Jamie Ward
11. Deep Learning 用python进行深度学习的基础理论实作 繁体中文 by 斎藤康毅
12-19,每本50 NTD 原本100元
12. Sensation and Perception 8th edition by Goldstein
13. Experimental Psychology: A Case Approach 8th edition by MacLin and Solo
14. Python机器学习 使用Python 的 scikit-learn 和TensorFlow进行机器学习和
深度学习 第二版
15. 普通心理学 (Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology 中文版)
16. 教育与心理统计 by 鼎茂
17. 字汇的力量(已售出)
18. 朗文英文文法全集
19. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills
3rd edition
20. 职能治疗-跨越障碍,发挥潜能 by 台湾省职能治疗师公会
21. 感觉整合与儿童发展─理论与应用 by 罗钧令
22. 卓越TA带你飞
23. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills
2rd edition