dearmgo (蜓)
2018-12-11 00:03:25如题,征求受访者,谢谢帮忙:)
Do you work in a hospital?
Hello,I am an American MBA student here in Taiwan
studying at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) in Kaohsiung.
Under the supervision of a Professor at NSYSU, I'm doing research about
confidential – I have an ethics form to protect your identity.
If you work in a hospital in Taiwan then I would love to hear from you. I am
interested in talking to nurses and other medical professionals such as
doctors, health administration, or people in management in the healthcare
You will need to:
- have at least one year experience working in a hospital in Taiwan
- speak English (Everything will be done in English)
I am also an English teacher – so this would be a great chance for you to
practice having a conversation in English!
If you are interested in meeting for an interview – please let me know.
You can send me an e-mail at
[email protected]