[ PT ] 售书

楼主: beauty988 (解不开的绳结)   2017-11-14 16:58:11
1.Physical Therapy for Children/Campbell Palisano Orlin/fourth edition
2.Human Anatomy/Marieh Wilhelm.Mallatt/sixth edition
3.Neurological Rehabilitation/Carr Shepherd 著/2nd edition
4.彩色图说功能解剖学/Christy Cael 原著/合记出版社
5.Therapeutic Exercise/Carolyn Kisner.Lyann Allen Colby/5th edition
6.Physical Agents In Rehabilitation/Michelle H. Cameron/Third Edition
7.呼吸循环系统物理治疗/吴英黛 著/今名图书有限公司/第三版
8.Clinical electrotherapy( third edition ) /Roger M. 著/
9.Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System/North & Frankel/Fourth
10.物理治疗伦理-思维与实践/吴英黛 著/第二版/金名图书有限公司
11.ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription/Lippincott
Williams&Wilkins/Ninth Edition

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