jmchang (jmchang)
2014-07-17 11:22:59http://help.ea.com/en/article/the-sims-2-ultimate-collection-faq/
EA宣布停止 The Sims 2 未来的升级支援
同时将赠送在 Origin 上有 The Sims 2 本体数位版的玩家
最后一份升级档 The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection
其中包含了所有的 expansion pack and stuff pack
如果你购买了实体版的 The Sims 2
你可以用 EA Game Advisor
1.注册 Origin 帐号
选 The Sims 2 -> PC -> Topic 选 Code 内容写
I want to register my physical copy of the sims 2 on Origin.
3.等......我的 Wait time 是 55 分
4.接下来是我(you)跟客服(Ashish S)的对话纪录.
Ashish S: Thanks for contacting EA Customer Experience, my name is Ashish.
How may I assist you today?
you: I want to register my physical copy of the sims 2 deluxe on Origin.
Ashish S: Firstly I apologize for the long wait time.
Ashish S: I understand that you want Sims 2 game in Origin. I will try my
best to add your game in origin.
Ashish S: To locate your account detail, could you please provide me the
code of Sims 2 game along with your email address?
you: 游戏序号跟 Email
Ashish S: Thank you!
Ashish S: To verify account ownership, may I know the security question
listed :- 你设定的问题
you: 你设定的答案
Ashish S: Thank you!
Ashish S: I am going to disable your old code and adding a new code in
origin now.
Ashish S: You would be glad to know that I have added The sims 2 game in
origin as digital.
Ashish S: Please check and let me know if you got it.
Ashish S: And you can also check the game code in "i" tab in MY games tab.
you: Yes, I see The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection. I assume that's correct?
Ashish S: Exactly:)
Ashish S: Great! I am glad to resolve your issue!
5.登入 Origin 确认 The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection 已加入你的 game library
注:我的游戏是英文版的 我不知道中文版是否适用