mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-12-07 13:32:33At the Nets’ media day in September, Irving answered reporters’ questions via
Zoom but asked for privacy when asked if he would get vaccinated. Among Irving’
s circle, the general consensus is that he is not anti-vaccination and believes
everyone has the right to make their own decision. His apprehension about the CO
VID vaccine stems from his concerns about the possibility of long-term side effe
cts, which, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, are “e
xtremely unlikely.”
反疫苗者,他只是相信每个人都有权做出自己的选择。 他对疫苗的长远副作用还是感到担
Those closest to him also have shared that Irving knows anything he says will be
magnified and scrutinized and he doesn’t want to be viewed as an anti-vaxxer.
He’s not taking this stance to be a voice for the voiceless. He’s just not tru
sting of the available vaccines, according to sources.
被视为反疫苗者,也不想利用自己的声音替那些声量小的人发声。 据知情人士透露,他只
Irving also does not want to get vaccinated because of bad experiences with his
health due to basketball injuries over the years.
Since his freshman year at Duke, Irving has missed 261 out of 950 games, includi
ng the last five of the 2015 NBA Finals when a fractured kneecap required surger
y and forced him to miss 29 games the following season. His 2018 knee surgery in
Boston was a corrective procedure because the screws from his 2015 surgery caus
ed an infection in his knee. Moreover, a 2019 shoulder injury became difficult t
o diagnose and ultimately forced him to have surgery in 2020.
病。 从大一披上杜克大学战袍开始,Ki在950场比赛中错过了261场,包括2015年总决赛膝
“Based on his last three or four years, I can see why he’d be apprehensive,”
a source shared.
Irving has adopted a 100-percent plant-based diet, so he could wait until a plan
t-based version of the vaccine has been completed and approved. One such vaccine
isundergoing clinical trialswith more than 30,000 people taking part, accordi
ng to a report in August.
欧文是100%素食主义者,他可以等到植物性的疫苗被批准。 据8月的一份报告称,一种植物
He also could wait and see if incoming New York City Mayor Eric Adams will chang
e his mind on the city’s mandates, although that appears to be unlikely. In an
interview with CNN, Adams said New York City would not change the rule that proh
ibits him from playing at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
另外KI还可以期待纽约新市长Eric Adams明年1月上任后改变强制疫苗令,不过从当下纽约
州的疫情形势和之前Eric Adams接受采访说的话来看,发生的概率相当低。
I think the NBA and Kyrie (are) going to come to a conclusion on this,” the May
or-elect said. "I'm a Nets fan, and I love Kyrie. I think he's a piece that we n
eed for a championship.