mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-08-05 20:28:52老巴:字母就跟乔丹一样经历失败夺冠
LeBron is amazing. He is what he's done in the community is amazing the reas
on. I give Jordan The Edge and I'm never gonna say in it Actually, In fairne
ss, I haven't even put LeBron pass Kobe, let's get that out The way I want t
o be fair. the reason I put Michael up there before those other guys, LeBron
has stacked His teams, let's be realistic.
As Kevin Durant, did and others have done their legacy, Russell Westbrook no
w on his way it's a trade but on his way to the Lakers.
So I do like what Giannis and Dirk Nowitzki. Guys like that especially Giann
is is the perfect example. They go through the grime and to lose which Micha
el did when I was watching that documentary, I was like, damn, I forgot how
bad the Pistons beat him up, but what he going through that struggle, that's
what separates sports, like, winning all the time, like, we all want to win
, but I struggle is part of your legacy. and what Giannis did this year with
Michael doing, when the Bulls when the Pistons beat the hell out of him for
three or four straight years and he's like no I'm gonna keep getting better
. I'm gonna keep getting better. That's the difference in my opinion.
Richard Jefferson:
In all fairness Chuck is right. Lebron didn't get drafted to a team with Sha
q like Kobe. Cavs never found the Pippen in Bron's first 8 years because he
was too good they never drafted that high. Ps... Charles got drafted to a te
am with Dr.J, Moses Malone and 2 other Hall of Famers. I see his point thoug