mingonly (想要告诉你!)
2021-07-23 03:29:10大O:除了AD我看不到有谁能守字母哥
Oscar robertson: I’m very happy that they didn’t get away from Giannis, Wh
en they got down two or three points, they kept going to him and he delivere
d. He made some shots, some 12- or 13-foot shots that I haven’t seen him ma
ke before in a long time. If he can do that, I don’t know who can stop him.
The only person, I think has the size to give him a decent chance at guardi
ng Giannis, is A.D. from the Lakers. No one else. I don’t see any other pla
yer on defense that’s gonna be able to handle Giannis.
我很高兴公鹿的队友们一直喂球给字母哥。 当他们分差只有两三分时,他们还是继续给
他球,字母办到了。他投进了一些中距离,那些以前我没见过他投进过的球。 如果他能
投进这样的球,我不知道还有谁守的住他。 唯一有这样的体型能来守住字母哥的人是来
自湖人的AD, 除此之外,我不认为有任何人能够守的住他。