作者: issemn (パルコ・フォルゴレ) 2019-10-27 11:48:00
Everyone knows how the Trojan War ending with a bunchof guys piling out of a giant wooden horse. Even themost famous account Homer's Iliad only covers the tail end of the war regardless, the events of the worstself have been debated extensors and the actual truth is still largely unknown all we have to go on Legend states that a human King in a see him for marriagewith all the gods and however Eris the goddess of Discord was turned. Irritated she tossed out her weddinggift a golden apple to be gifted to the fairest thistitle now being up for grabs Hera Athena and Aphrodite squabbled over it each link link to the app not being able to choose amongst themselves. The goddess has decided to ask an impartial third party a Trojan Prince named Paris, of course, all of them attempted tobribe Paris and in the end, he chose Aphrodite promised him the love. The most beautiful woman in the world Paris aiming to get what she was promised stole Helen away from sparked What followed was a web of alliances? That would make World War One blush. These allies included such All-Stars is Odysseus Agamemnon Ajax and achilles the conflict lasted a full decade withTroy being placed under siege for the last nine years Odysseus could just wanted to go home to his wife Penelope decided to finally end it. For all using onlyhis wits and a giant wooden horse.