DREW (暧暧内含光)
2024-06-04 04:18:25结果de Minaur的lucky charm真的发挥神力
这什么日本运动漫画感人桥段啦 www
: https://reurl.cc/xaeyvN
: De Minaur上一场先输一盘再倒赶三盘击败Struff
: 赢球后走向身后观众席 并向一位小球迷热情拥抱
: https://i.imgur.com/fpBBOOR.png
: https://x.com/rolandgarros/status/1796967835052154895
: That young lad was there from the very first point until the last with five
: hours of rain delay
: 比赛因雨拖延了5小时 但那个孩子一直都在那里
: Every single point I won, he was screaming at my face.
: 每当我一得分 他就会冲着我激情怒吼!
: If I was a fan, I would probably be back home, because it was bloody cold ou
: there
: 如果我是一位粉丝 我可能早就回家了 因为外面实在太冷
: He gave me life. Every single change of ends I'm looking at him, locking eye
: with him.
: 他给了我生命动力 每当换场时 我都会看着他 我们四目相对!
: I was happy that I was able to get a win together with him
: 我很高兴能与他一起赢得胜利!
: De Minaur赛后也发推
: 我需要知道这孩子的名字 请IG私信我 下一轮比赛我需要你!!!
: https://i.imgur.com/GnJJ788.png
: 心得:
: 太暖了 不论是小野兔还是小球迷都是~
: 小野兔下一场的对手将是阿梅 小球迷的呐喊能再帮他挺进下一轮吗?