Hey guys, I am now on my way back home. Based on the first medical checks, it
looks like I have torn several lateral ligaments in my right foot. I will be f
lying to Germany on Monday to make further examinations and to determine the b
est and quickest way for me to recover.
I want to thank everyone all over the world for the kind messages that I have
received since yesterday. Your support means a lot to me right know!
And many thanks to my friends from @goodwill_private_aviation for taking such
good care of me in the given circumstances.
I will try to keep you updated as much as possible on further developments.
See you next time @rolandgarros!
Sasha刚才在脸书PO照片 有笑容腹肌满明显的小Z搭的飞机怎么很像星宇航空 大误希望能早日重回赛场
还好没伤到骨头 还有他是该把脚再练粗点吧 怎么会叫他减重 他已经很瘦了吧==
Haywood那个超可怕....是整个变90度Hayward啦XDDD 刚刚打完觉得上几楼名字怪怪的
这不是练壮就能避免的伤 美式足球员也是整天在伤韧带
作者: chemistryexi (懿云) 2022-06-05 10:36:00
作者: elliot156645 (Elliot) 2022-06-05 10:44:00
男生下半身练壮不是一件简单的事情耶 豆豆下身壮成那样反而很神奇XDDD