ATP to strip Wimbledon of ranking points as Russian player ban dispute deepens
The world’s leading male players have called for rankings points to be withdr
awn from Wimbledon this summer in a major escalation of the row over the All E
ngland Club’s ban of Russian and Belarusian players, Telegraph Sport understa
It would escalate an already controversial issue, pitting the men’s tour dire
ctly against the biggest tournament in the world, and leaving Wimbledon as nom
ore than an exhibition tournament from the ATP’s perspective – albeit an exh
ibition tournament with a massive 35 million prize money fund.
The decision is not final yet, as it has to be ratified by the board of the AT
P Tour over the next 24 to 48 hours. However, most insiders feel that ATP chie
f executive Andrea Gaudenzi has little choice but to take the players’ advice
on this issue.
The ATP board consists of three player representatives and three tournament re
presentatives, while Gaudenzi has the casting vote in the case of a 3-3 tie. I
n this situation, though, it is the players who have been directly affected by
Wimbledon’s decision, and thus will expect to have the final say.
The ATP player council includes three of the so-called “Big Four” men. World
No1 Novak Djokovic resigned from the committee 18 months ago because he wante
d to start an independent player union, but Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and An
dy Murray are all included, along with nine others.
Murray’s position is especially interesting. The AELTC had originally expecte
d him to side with its decision. But when he was asked for his view in Madrid1
0 days ago, he declined to back them, preferring to stay neutral. “I feel fo
r everyone,” he told reporters then. “I feel for the players that can’t pla
y, and I don’t support one side or the other.”
Because Wimbledon is an independent event, run by a private members’ club, th
e only recourse the tours have with regard to the AELTC is to withdraw their r
ankings points – the one currency they possess.
However, the LTA is more exposed because its has contracted to run ATP and WTA
events as franchises. As well as rankings-point withdrawal, it could also fac
e swingeing fines.