"We’ve received confirmation from several sources, including the Chinese
Tennis Association, that she is safe and not under any physical threat,"
Simon said.
But Simon said that no one associated with the WTA Tour, including officials
and active players, had been able to reach her directly to confirm her status.
"My understanding is that she is in Beijing in China, but I can’t confirm
that because I haven’t spoken directly with her," Simon said.
没有遭到什么不测或威胁 但是WTA的所有人都没办法连络上彭帅确认他的状况
Steve Simon也难得有讲重话 说不排除退出中国市场
"If at the end of the day, we don't see the appropriate results from this,
we would be prepared to take that step and not operate our business in China
if that’s what it came to,"
但说真的 考量到中国从贸易战到疫情后的经济状况
以目前中国的经济状况看起来 很难再支撑这么庞大的开销
再不寻求替代方案的话 就算冬奥结束、中国防疫政策松绑