有人试算了一下,约 64mph = 102.99802kph
He is standing 41' from her. It took the ball about .45 sec to reach her.
That ball was traveling at 64 mph, with no notice and completely
unanticipated. I challenge any who are criticizing her to go on a court and
simulate getting hit at like this then report back how it felt. And make sure
you take a clean hit to the throat.
※ 引述《asdf3164 (芷柔)》之铭言:
: 完全没落地
: 球抛离手
: 平射过去
: 职业选手的轻轻一拍
: 应该等于一般人用点力去拍
: 有人研究过这球的时速吗?