Feb. 22, 2018 | https://twitter.com/hashtag/BouchardVsUSTA
Jury rules USTA negligent.
Jury also rules Bouchard contributed to the risk.
Jury says USTA 75 percent responsible for accident, and Bouchard 25 percent.
They were instructed to apportion blame if they found both liable in part.
针对布夏 2015 美网滑倒一案,陪审团(三男四女) 2/22 判定 USTA 懈怠。
当被要求量化双方的责任时,USTA 被判定 75%、布夏 25%。
由于 USTA 被陪审团认定懈怠,明天起开始讨论赔偿金额。赔偿金额认定后,打 75 折由
布夏的团队获取。网上消息指此案如果输了布夏不用付任何诉讼费,赢了则是拿 2/3,律
师拿 1/3。现在看来赔偿金额可能会是天文数字,如果当初选择与布夏和解会更有利。