[外絮] 温布顿的皇家包厢:有太空人跟VIP草莓

楼主: pneumo (超☆冒险盖)   2017-07-17 15:44:49
来源:The New York Times
Inside the Royal Box at Wimbledon: Astronauts and V.I.P. Strawberries
WIMBLEDON, England — To be among the few who receive an invitation to watch
tennis from one of the 74 seats in the royal box at Wimbledon’s Centre Court
is akin to getting an acceptance letter from Hogwarts.
“There is a view, among those who have attended the royal box, that it is
one of the most special experiences in sport,” said Alexandra Willis, the
head of communications for the All England Club. “It’s because of the fact
that it’s by invitation only — you can’t just decide it’s something you
want to attend.”
The oak-lined royal box sits right behind the south baseline of the court,
clearly visible to spectators and cameras. While its placement is prominent,
its perks are protected.
“Keeping some mystery and not giving away too much of what that experience
is like” is important, Willis said.“The only people who really know are those
who have had it themselves,” she added.
Many who had been invited are eager to divulge details, however. They often
consider the visit one of the most memorable occasions of their lives.
Invitations arrive two to three months before the tournament and read:
“The Chairman and Committee of Management of The Championships request the
pleasure of the company of [name] & Guest in the Royal Box on [date].
“This invitation to the Royal Box includes lunch in the Clubhouse prior to
the commencement of play, afternoon tea and drinks at the end of the day.”
There is a dress code: jackets and ties for men, and no skirts or dresses
ending above the knee for women.
It is best to arrive by noon for the lunch, which is hosted by the club’s
chairman, Philip Brook, and his wife, Gill, before play, which begins at 1
p.m. on most days. Brook opens with a brief talk about the tournament and the
matches that guests will see on Centre Court that day.
最好在中午前到达,因为会由大会主席Philip Brook以及他的太太在开打前招待午餐,而
The food served is substantial and decadent; several visitors mentioned
poached lobster as a favorite.
Strawberries, the traditional snack of Wimbledon, are also offered, but not
merely those sold to other fans on the grounds. Royal box guests enjoy an
especially exquisite variety, called a Driscoll Jubilee, which is treasured
for its firmness and sweetness and reserved for their consumption.
一种特别的草莓叫Driscoll Jubilee,以扎实及鲜甜闻名。
The group adjourns to the court 10 minutes before the first match begins and
stays there throughout the day. Afternoon tea is served from 3:45 p.m. to
5:15 p.m. For those wanting further nibbles, a small leather-bound bucket of
candies is discreetly passed through the box during play. If it becomes
chilly, as it often does, blankets arrive.
Guests are assigned woven-wicker seats in the box, each with their name, a
commemorative program and a small gift. This year, the gift was a green
leather zippered bag embossed with the Wimbledon logo and the words “Royal
Box 2017.” Guests also receive sterling silver lapel pins and a
commemorative photograph of match action from that day’s play with the box
visible in the background, paired with a seating chart.
More than the amenities, what guests treasure most is the company. Ken
Solomon, the chairman and chief executive of Tennis Channel, called it “a
cross section of the most interesting people who are in the U.K. at that
Channel的主席Ken Solomon称这个聚会是一次看完当代英国最有趣人的地方。
Solomon said he could only compare the camaraderie of the shared experience
at Wimbledon to what he has felt as a guest of the American president.
“When you meet someone at the White House, it doesn’t matter who they are —
you know they are having one of the greatest days of their life as well,”
Solomon said. “No matter who you are, how important, you can’t buy your
way into that space, and there’s only a handful of people who are there, and
it’s very special. You’re going to remember it the rest of your life, and
you know they are, too.”
作者: k13223344 (EJ)   2017-07-17 15:57:00
!!!!!!!! 凯特排过队?!?!?!?!
作者: OR1CHI (清晨的薄荷草)   2017-07-17 16:08:00
作者: moutighe (头壳烧去.....)   2017-07-17 16:13:00
谢谢翻译 看完觉得有趣
作者: irres ( )   2017-07-17 16:20:00
混双决赛有看到David Tennant
作者: wsheep (荒野一匹羊)   2017-07-17 16:33:00
作者: ksaon (小包)   2017-07-17 16:35:00
作者: ghost47 (47)   2017-07-17 16:41:00
作者: qiet (阿宪)   2017-07-17 16:52:00
作者: aiiiiiiiiiii (梦的入口有点窄。)   2017-07-17 17:13:00
作者: benuan (马力欧)   2017-07-17 17:40:00
作者: apple8335   2017-07-17 17:53:00
作者: edison3333 (colapig)   2017-07-17 18:35:00
作者: san122 (san)   2017-07-17 18:40:00
作者: maxmessi (maxmaxmessi)   2017-07-17 18:42:00
感谢翻译~ 好梦幻阿~~~
作者: owlery   2017-07-17 19:04:00
有艾登柏罗耶 bbc, animal planet的熟悉声音 我家好喜欢他
作者: grafan   2017-07-17 19:21:00
西装没穿袜子明明就很帅 可惜碰到古板温布顿然后这完完全全就是阶级实力跟社会地位展现的包厢
作者: jdlpings (____)   2017-07-17 21:54:00
推翻译 好在不能买 要是可以用买的 里面一半中国土豪企业家
作者: avtime (戒菸中)   2017-07-17 22:13:00
能用买的 中国包场都可以...
作者: MikaHakkinen (一人中风,全家发疯)   2017-07-17 23:24:00
Nico Rosberg的队友Lewis Hamilton 2015年就曾因为没穿外套和领带不让他进皇家包厢。
作者: san122 (san)   2017-07-18 01:36:00
作者: rainww25   2017-07-18 12:32:00
肯定草莓不一样 园区内卖的超级难吃
作者: PVO (小囧羊)   2017-07-19 01:47:00
F1赛场跟网球的运动文化差太多 更何况是温布顿车手平时随兴惯了 上了看台就是要喷香槟 跟皇家包厢超不搭XDD
作者: lindonlin (DaXiah)   2017-07-19 03:41:00
Bear Grylls竟然也出现在内!?

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