@BrisbaneTennis Sorry to hear@delpotrojuan has been forced to withdraw. Aussie world No.81 @SamGrothTennis moves into the field. 布里斯班赛会确定Del Potro退赛 虽然Del Potro积极训练计划在2015年复出 但是手腕还会疼痛的谣言一直没停过 退出布里斯班也证实谣言不是空穴来风 接下来的雪梨、澳网能不能参赛都成谜了 没想到手腕伤势严重到复出之路一波三折 看到他在脸书po的文真的......QQ In this special time of the year, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for the love I got from all of you, which helped me through these difficult times I faced after my wrist surgery. Fans anywhere in Argentina, especially those of Tandil; those who write from other South American countries or the farthest place on Earth. From kids to grandparents. Thank You! It was hard to stay away from the tour for almost a year, not willing to watch tennis on TV but eager to be right there playing. Thanks to the support I get from you, from my family, my friends, my team and thanks to the will to get back on track, I don't give up the fight and I work every day to overcome every stone on the way so that I can play without any pain and return to enjoy the competition. I miss feeling the interaction with you on a tennis court. Have a great 2015! I'll see you soon. Juan Martin.