[征才] Vyond 扩大征才 Junior/Senior Software Engineer

楼主: zero5011 (zero5011)   2021-06-09 14:25:07
目前我们持续招募 Junior/Senior Software Engineer, Junior/Senior DevOps Engineer, Senior Mobile Engineer,希望优秀的你能加入我们的团队!
邀请大家透过我们制作的影片更了解我们公司 - https://reurl.cc/GVland
【职缺】Junior/Senior Software Engineer
In your role as Senior Engineer you will work on a variety of Engineering tasks as required by the team, including:
- New feature development
- Issue investigation and resolution
- Resolution verification / testing automation
- Researching new technologies
Your personal preference, ability and the needs of the team will dictate the projects you will work on, including front-end, back-end, database and API development.
Your career progression to more senior engineering roles will be determined exclusively by the demonstration of your ability and the results you achieve.
- Knowledge of at least one OOP language (e.g. Java or C++)
- Working knowledge of at least one of the following: Node.js, HTML5/CSS, Javascript client frameworks (e.g. React.js or Angular.js), Javascript server frameworks (e.g. Express.js)
- Previous working experience in agile development teams is a plus
- Previous experience of leadership in software development is a plus
- Previous experience of test-driven development is a plus
- Good Command of English
Junior Engineer: 70K - 100K TWD/month
Senior Engineer: 100K - 140K TWD/month
【年薪】12-14 months/year
Core Time 10:00-16:00
Flexible Time: 16:00-19:00(可自由运用)
【每周工作时间】8*5 = 40
- 第一年就有14天年假
- 每年一天的生日假和耶诞假
- 每年14天全薪病假
- 每年12场电影公司招待
- 免费的零食跟饮料
- 弹性上班时间
- 两年一次健康检查
- 一个月一次Team Lunch
- 一季一次Team Building
CakeResume: https://reurl.cc/LbpG0K
Email: [email protected]
Vyond于2007年成立,到现在已经帮助Global 2000大型公司,小型企业以及个人用户可制作,且直接发布动画影片。现在超过1200万的用户,利用我们的产品,制作了超过3000万个以上的影片。目前Vyond 在美国硅谷,香港和台湾和泰国曼谷均设有办公室。
- 公司网站:http://vyond.com/
- 用户动画:https://www.vyond.com/showcase/customer-videos/
- 更多关于我们的产品:https://product.vyond.com/
- 香港办公室介绍:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y24Hh-fbpM

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