对科技板的暴民愚民来说, 遇到工程师程度与素质低落是遇到者自己的问题.
所以对科技板的暴民愚民来说, 这是我的问题.
因为暴民愚民若是能听明白你的解释, 甚至肯听你的解释, 那就不是暴民愚民了;
或是就是因为它们是暴民愚民, 所以你所说的一切都是对牛弹琴, 对夏虫而语冰.
全球唯一超强美国的总统 Trump 竟然说出用消毒剂洗肺来治疗新冠肺炎患者.
Trump 是如此说的:
"is there any way that you could apply light and heat to cure,
you know, if you could, maybe you can maybe you can't,
again I said maybe you can maybe you can't, I'm not a doctor,
but I'm like a person with good you know what""suppose
we hit the body with this tremendous, uh, whether it's ultraviolet or
just very powerful light", "I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out,
in a minute, one minute, and is there any way we could do something like that, by injection inside or, or, almost
clean it, cuz you see it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number."
连 Trump 都如此, 那科技板的暴民愚民真是我少见多怪了.
科技板的暴民愚民比的上 Trump 吗? 能和 Trump 相比吗?
作者: demintree ( ) 2020-05-07 16:25:00