※ 引述《nknuee (TFET)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《miles78426 (晴朗)》之铭言:
: : 想请问各位板上大大
: : 不晓得有没有人跟小弟鲁蛇我一样
: : 3/6有去校园征才面试台积电
: : 但等了三个多星期以后
: : 还是有点心慌慌
: : 只是想问有没有人有收到通知了
: : 好让我也可以有死心的准备了 Orz
: : 谢谢各位有去的大大不吝回答我
: : 感激不尽
: 我也有相同问题,想请问版上各位大大
: 关于今年的校园征才有人有收到结果通知了吗?不管是 OFFER 或是感谢函
: 小弟三月底 TSMC 面试,等了三个多礼拜打电话问人资
: 人资说近期面试结果都已经寄信通知了,叫我寄e-mail给他,她再回复我结果
: 还是说会像研替一样,在某个晚上统一寄出一、两千封感谢信呢?
: 想请问各位大大有类似经验可以分享吗?感谢
: 题外话,问一下有人有抽中IPhone 6s (资格:2/29前于官网填写完整履历者)
Dear Sir
The response to our company’s recent recruitment drive was overwhelming.
All of the applicants were of very high caliber. As such, it was extremely
difficult to choose only one from amongst such outstanding candidates.
However, after long and deliberate consideration, we regret to inform you
that your application for the job at TSMC has been unsuccessful. This is no
way a reflection on your skills and experience, as most of these applicants
had skills and knowledge that were very similar to yours, which is to say,
extremely exceptional and outstanding. As long as a suitable timing and
vacancy opens up next time, your continuous interest will be highly
We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you for
applying to join TSMC.
Best Wishes
Recruiting Team, TSMC
已经收到了喔 感谢卡一张 集好集满