Fw: [情报]交大电子讲座-半导体教父 施敏教授开讲

楼主: ganninian (喔喔)   2015-10-13 22:40:46
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作者: naiveperson (地雷马的滋味) 看板: graduate
标题: [情报]交大电子讲座-半导体教父 施敏教授开讲
时间: Tue Oct 13 12:45:14 2015
交大电子Next 50系列讲座(2015.10.14)-半导体教父 施敏教授开讲“邂逅数位电子时代”囉!敬邀所有有兴趣者来聆听唷!
时间:2015年10月14日 (星期三) 15:30~17:20 PM
地点:交通大学(光复校区)工程四馆地下一楼 合勤讲堂
请至Google表单登录报名 http://goo.gl/forms/SrBzgg9iGI
Abstract :
Since 1996 the electronics industry has become the largest industry in the world with global sales of over 3 trillion (3x 1012) US dollars in 2014. In the past 109 years, there are 3 key electronic devices responsible for the inauguration and the rapid growth of the industry: (1) the vacuum tube invented by L. De Forest in 1906, (2) the transistor invented by J. Bardeen, W. H. Brattain, and W. Shockley in 1947, and (3) the Floating-gate memory invented by D. Kahng and S. M. Sze in 1967.
The floating-gate memory (FGM) has revolutionized the information storage technology and ushered in the Digital Age. Because of its unique attributes of nonvolatility, high density and low-power consumption, FGM has enabled the development of innumerable products and brought unprecedented benefit to humankind. The benefit includes FGM-based solid-state drive for digital archiving, digital cellular phone for instant communication, tablet computer for easier access of information, smart IC card for
increased commerce, implantable defibrillator for enhanced healthcare, digital television and digital camera for more engaging media, 3D printer for better automation, servo control for more precise machinery, and ABS and GPS for improved travel safety.
In this talk, we will consider the status of the global electronics industry and present 5 stories related to the Digital Age.
Bio :
Dr. Simon M. Sze received his B. S. degree from the National Taiwan University, M. S. from the University of Washington, and Ph. D. from Stanford University, all in Electrical Engineering.
Dr. Sze was with Bell Laboratories from 1963 to 1989 as a member of the Technical Staff. He joined the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) from 1990 to 2006 as a Distinguished Chair Professor. At present, he is an Honorary Chair Professor at NCTU. Dr. Sze has served as Visiting Professor to many academic institutions including the University of Cambridge, Delft University, Soochow University, Stanford University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and Tokyo Institute of Technology.
He has made fundamental and pioneering contributions to semiconductor devices, especially the metal-semiconductor contacts, microwave devices, and submicron MOSFET technology. Of particular importance is his discovery with Dr. D. Kahng of the floating-gate memory (FGM) effect which has subsequently given rise to a large family of memory devices including EPROM, EEPROM and Flash memory. FGM has enabled the development of all modern electronic systems such as the digital cellular phone, tablet computer,
personal digital assistant, smart IC card, digital camera, digital television, portable DVD, MP3 music player, pacemaker, implantable defibrillator, global positioning system (GPS), and anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Dr. Sze has authored or coauthored over three hundred technical papers. He has written and edited 16 books. His book “ Physics of Semiconductor Devices ” ( Wiley, 1969; 2nd Ed, 1981; 3rd Ed, 2007 ) is one of the most cited works in contemporary engineering and applied science publications (over 40,000 citations according to Google Scholar ). Dr. Sze has received the IEEE J. J. Ebers Award, the National Endowed Chair Professor Award, the Flash Memory Summit Lifetime Achievement Award, and the National
Science and Technology Prize. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, an ITRI Laureate, an Academician of the Academia Sinica, a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
联络:陈秋云专员 03-5712121#54107 patty@mail.nctu.edu.tw
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