会量测power sequence吗? 知道各种INTEL/AMD平台设计上的缺陷跟优劣吗?
会去翻INTEL的design guide来给客户电路设计上的建议吗?
知道什么平台搭上特定OS会有什么问题吗? VGA output没照VESA输出会测试跟解决吗?
Cedarview死都没有Linux graphic driver source code你还是可以生出来解掉客户应用
上的问题,再更上一阶可以做System Architect,薪水大概就300~500万台币不等. 底下
- At the Masters level, a minimum of 10+ years of experience with Low power
SoC /System level (Mobile devices ) HW or SW hands on development. Such as
Laptop/Handheld devices system HW and SW development experience.
- At the Bachelors level, a minimum of 12+ years of experience are expected.
- Additional Experience:
- Minimum 5 years of experience with system integration and architecture
design, familiar with related key components / Technologies such as
LCM/Touch/Battery/Chassis/Hinge/Flash and Memory etc.
阿,没有解不掉的问题...我想是超越顾问级的人物了. 我是觉得要达到中上级要看的文件
就已经多到看不完了...神级去SW吧XD HW没那么好捞了...