heyyoha (帅气风神)
2023-06-17 05:44:44金牛座,月亮位于金牛座,可能对你不会带来好运。在个人层面上可能会出现一些问题,
The Moon present in Taurus may not cast a good spell on you. Some problems are
likely to occur on the personal front, so keep a check on your emotions. Don'
t let any recent arguments and frustrations bother you, as these periods of di
scord are transient. Keep a cool head, and do not start arguments, as it'll on
ly make things worse for you. Express yourself calmly, and your near and dear
ones will understand better, suggests Taurus daily horoscope . Light green is
your lucky color. Take care of important matters between 7:00 p.m. and 8 p.m.