heyyoha (帅气风神)
2023-05-25 05:46:17亲爱的金牛座,随着月亮进入巨蟹座,你可能会感到焦虑,难以控制周围的额外能量。你
Dear Taurus, Moon in Cancer might cause you to feel anxious and you might find
it hard to contain all the additional energy around you. You might have to st
ay cautious as this might make you miss something significant. It would be bes
t for you to not assign your tasks to anybody else. Astroyogi astrologers sugg
est that you handle work all alone or you may not be happy with the result. We
aring yellow will assist you with drawing in great vibes and positive astronom
ical energy. Attempt and complete all your significant assignments before 4 pm
for ideal outcomes.