heyyoha (帅气风神)
2023-05-13 06:35:11亲爱的金牛座,水瓶座的月亮位置可能会让您感到心情愉悦,今天可能是一个很好的学习
多成就。根据 Astroyogi 占星家的说法,白色是您的幸运色。下午6点至8点是对您有利
Dear Taurus, the Moon's position in Aquarius may put you in a cheerful mood, a
nd today might be a terrific day for learning.
However, if you get impatient in your search for definitive answers to an urge
nt situation, you may become frustrated.
Patience is a virtue, and you should know how to employ it effectively.
If you set your mind to it today, you can achieve a lot. White is your lucky c
olor, according to Astroyogi astrologers.
The hours between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. are auspicious for you.