Daily Horoscope for Monday 04/25
There are people in your life who exasperate you. Even though you may love the
m, they still have a way of getting to you that no one else has. At moments wh
en flare ups in these relationships occur, it can be very upsetting, and it ca
n color the whole tone of your day. If you're dealing with a difficult individ
ual now, dear Taurus, just turn down the volume and let it wind down on its ow
n. Don't participate in the drama. When you take active participation, you can
make it worse. Instead, give that person time to reflect and see for themselv
es what's wrong with their behavior.
exasperate 激怒
flare up 动怒;发火
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 04/26
Is anyone looking out for you, Taurus? Is anyone making sure you are treated k
indly, respected, and protected? It might not feel that way now, but you are t
raveling under a golden light, and there is good energy surrounding you. If yo
u are feeling alone today, remember this. If you are feeling vulnerable, know
that you are loved. Although this might feel like a solitary time for you, som
ething much better is coming and it will be great enough to make you forget an
y sad or somber thoughts you have right now.
vulnerable 脆弱的
solitary 孤单的
somber 阴暗;忧郁的