Monthly Horoscope for February
Good things may be in store for you this month on both the personal and profes
sional fronts, Taurus. Set your expectations high so you don't miss any of it.
This is not a time to question your talents or doubt your skills because self
-confidence will be important in all that you do. February may hold special me
aning for you because this month, something special could take place - possibl
y something quite memorable. Whether this is the birth of a child, an engageme
nt, or something else, you will want to get out the scrapbook or photo album a
nd start filling it with captured moments. You may get a second chance at a jo
b or some other opportunity that you feel you failed at in the past. You didn'
t really fail though - you just weren't ready at the time. But now you have mo
re experience under your belt, more maturity, and it may be ideal for you now.
Someone in your world may show their respect and admiration for you in a way
they never have before. Take this to heart and recall it whenever you are in n
eed of inspiration and motivation. Let this be a lesson in knowing that you ar
e a special and unique individual. Beware of any risky financial offerings tha
t come to you this month. All is not what it seems. There may be temptation to
"get rich quick" but even if the source seems reliable, you shouldn't do anyt
hing without checking it out thoroughly, and then perhaps checking it again.
muss 混乱;弄乱
scrapbook 剪贴簿
thoroughly 完全;彻底