Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 01/05
Soaking in a warm bath can be a comforting feeling. It is relaxing and soothin
g to your muscles and your soul. And if you add a beautifully scented candle t
o the side of your tub and dim the lights, it's a great time for positive medi
tation. Even so, you can't stay there forever. You need to use the comfort it
brings to face the days ahead. You are now sort of stuck by choice in a comfor
table place, Taurus, but it is time to venture out. Use the comfort you attain
ed to face a challenge. You are now up to it.
Happy New Year!
May the new chapter of your life be even better than the last. Have a wonderfu
l New Year!
soothe 缓和
attain 到达;获得