Taurus horoscope for September
Communication with a sibling, some other family member, or an old friend has been a bit tricky lately. It may seem that whenever you try to discuss even the simplest of things, there is something standing between you, sabotaging your efforts to get through. This month, that may begin to ease off, Taurus, but don't push it too hard. There is probably a matter that needs to be dealt with, and to this other party, it has been apparent for quite some time, even though you may not have a clue about it. Ask
gentle questions, and you should get the answers you need to figure this out. You may discover a work or money-related opportunity through social media or some other online resource this month. This could be quite good for you, but proceed at a measured pace, ensuring that you know exactly what they are looking for so you can engage properly and thoroughly. September is a great time to freshen up your surroundings. If you find that you have been down in the dumps a bit too often in recent weeks,
consider adding some color to your life with a new wardrobe or a fresh coat of paint in some room of your home where you work or play. Your outlook is already growing brighter, and that could help speed up the process.