真・Daily Horoscope (板上常用的 http://comitic.com/dailyhoroscope/ ) (感谢版友提醒orz) 你可能会有一些想要分享或是呈现给其他人的超棒点子/想法 看起来你正感到创意源源不绝地来 这些点子/想法来得又快又强烈,让你会想赶快用闪电的速度付诸行动 不过,先慢下来,牛牛。 如果你持续用那样的速度表达你的点子/想法, 你可能会太咄咄逼人,或是太粗心大意。 用冷静、有条理、完善规划的方法较能获益, 给大家一个机会沈淀每一个点子/想法,有助获得更大的成功。 You may have several wonderful ideas that you would love to share with or present to others. It may seem as if you are experiencing a sort of creative influx. The ideas may be coming at you so quickly and so intensely that you may be firing them off like lightning bolts. Slow down, Taurus. If you keep expressing your ideas at that pace, you may come off as pushy and intrusive or careless and superficial. This is something that would benefit from a calm, structured, well-planned approach. Give everyone a chance to let every idea sink in individually for enhanced success.