godmice (godmice)
2018-09-28 09:49:30当孩子们去露营时,会习惯性的坐在营火旁讲述鬼故事。这些都是为了娱乐,让每个人参与其中且引起兴趣。但当一只猫头鹰从树头呼唤,或是草丛旁的沙沙声,这些故事就会变得更可怕。
When children go camping, it is customary to sit around the campfire at night and tell scary ghost stories. These are meant for entertainment, and they keep everyone engaged and intrigued. But when an owl calls out from the trees, or something rustles in the grasses beyond, those stories take on a more frightening tone. That's just the imagination at work, but it's powerful. Some scary possibility you have been thinking about is not real, Taurus. Don't give it more credibility than it deserves.