godmice (godmice)
2018-09-17 19:32:57牛牛,你的甜美、时髦、风趣的个性正在被强调,很多人不知道你的这一面。他们认为你稳重、可靠、有耐心、实际的-这些特质对于喜欢有趣的人好像是违背常理的。
The sweet, sassy, funny side of your personality is being highlighted now, Taurus. Many people don't even know that this side of you exists. They may see you as quite sedate, reliable, patient and practical - as if those traits are counterintuitive to someone who likes to have fun. This more carefree side of you may draw in someone who you will find quite engaging and who may implore you to have more fun in your life. Don't resist.