godmice (godmice)
2018-08-20 19:08:34有些人喜欢在古董店购买一些小饰品和珍品。可能看到一个盘子就可以令他们想起祖母的瓷器或是童年时候的玩具。然而,一旦把这些饰品、珍品买回家,就会被丢在衣橱后面生灰尘,永远不会再被看到,直到移动它。
Some people enjoy shopping for trinkets and treasures in antique shops. They may see a plate that reminds them of their grandmother's china or a toy that they enjoyed in their childhood. Once they get them home, though, those trinkets and treasures often wind up in the back of the closet gathering dust, never to be seen again until it's time to move. If you have recently acquired a purchase that you are now second-guessing, it isn't too late to let it go. Or, take some time to figure out its value, and
use it rather than wasting it. It could turn out to be a valuable resource, Taurus.