新加坡影视学院奖 Asian Academy Creative Awards
客家电视台的 台北歌手 入围提名很多项喔
包括 最佳原著剧本 女主 女配 男配 导演
(只是很可惜 莫子仪并没有入围男主角)
入围男主角的是黄健玮 以客家电视台的乌鸦烧(?)入围
其他入围作品包括 大崎下 憨嘉 麻醉风暴2
Best Original Screenplay :
Yi-an Lo, Tzu-yi Mo - Roseki by Hakka TV
Best Editing :
Yu-Cheng Chang - Never Disappear by Hakka TV
Best Direction (Non-Fiction) :
Leading Lee(李鼎) by Tzu Chi Culture and Communication Foundation for
Da Ai TV
Best Sound :
Never Disappear - Cheng-hsien YU by Hakka TV
Best Actress in a Supporting Role :
Candy Yang (Xiao-li Yang) - Roseki by Hakka TV
Best Actor in a Supporting Role :
Chia-kuei Chen - Roseki by Hakka TV
Best Actress in a Leading Role :
Pei-jia Huang - Roseki by Hakka TV
Best Actor in a Leading Role :
Jag Huang - Burning Crows by Hakka TV
Best Direction (Fiction) :
Yi-an Lo - Roseki by Hakka TV
Best Single Drama or Telemovie :
The Silence of OM, by Tzu Chi Cullure and Communication Foundation for
Da Ai TV
Best Drama Series :
Wake Up Season 2 by Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation for PTS
※ 引述《chang0914 (阿肯)》之铭言:
: 民视 推理惊悚 迷你剧集 “薛丁格的猫”
: 入围 三项亚洲电视大奖
: 最佳男主角 《郑人硕》
: 最佳原著剧本 《张耿铭》
: 最佳剪辑 《陈建志》
: https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20181114/1466621